Mendeley Desktop

Mendeley Desktop 1.10.1

Image Mendeley Desktop 1.10.1
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  • Developer:


  • OS:

    Windows 8

  • License:


  • Updated:

    January 31, 2022

  • "Easily manage your bibliographic articles"

Mendeley Desktop is the ideal tool for managing bibliographies as efficiently as possible.

All the articles that you add to its interface can be treated as you want: add them to a list of favorites, classify them through a series of filters, know how much time has passed since their inclusion in the program, and so on.

Whether you are a researcher, a student or a fan of this type of work, Mendeley Desktop will be of great help in all your tasks. In addition, with its online functions you will have the possibility of sharing all your research through your own social network, synchronizing all the folders you want to make known.

Mendeley Desktop supports PDF, RIS, BIB, XML and Endnote formats.